Training archive

Past training courses

July 29th – August 1st, 2024 | University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

Event format: in person

OpenGadget3 User Meeting

OpenGadget is a versatile N-Body/Lagrangian cosmological code that employs smoothed particle hydro-dynamics (SPH) to simulate the evolution of matter under gravitational forces in a cosmological context.
This meeting offered the opportunity for the code users to discuss code advances and development on the road towards exascale.

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July 23 - 25, 2024 | Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna, Italy

Event format: in person and online

Maximizing Performance in High-Performance Computing – Tools, Techniques, and Hands-On Sessions

This training was organized to share an overview on the CINECA infrastructure, providing practical information about LEONARDO & SPACK, the exible package manager supporting multiple versions, configurations, platforms, and compilers.
The training also focused on performance portability for NVIDIA's GPU, on the usage of the HPC ttol Darshan and on optimization by DDN.

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July 2nd, 2024 | 15.00 – 15.45 CEST

The ChaNGa code and the Charm++ framework

The training is addressed to researchers interested in HPC and the challenges that astrophysics codes present when scaling towards exa-scale. We will discuss both the benefits and difficulties of the ChaNGa code and the Charm++ framework. We will also discuss recent and future improvements of the code.

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June 18th, 2024

The OpenGadget code for Cosmological Simulations

The training is addressed to HPC experts from all domains interested in evolving their codes to "exa-scale". The audience will benefit from the training, discovering how a different community is solving computational problems and implementing algorithms. Conversely, the benefits for the speakers will come from the audience observations, discussions, suggestions, and even error spotting.

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May 28th, 2024

Recent Advances on PLUTO GPU Development and Astrophysical Applications

The training is addressed to researchers working in the field of HPC as well as astrophysicists interested in plasma astrophysics and fluid dynamics in general. We aim at sharing our recent achievements on PLUTO GPU to a larger community in order to foster discussions and possible solutions to common problems and implementation bottlenecks.

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May 7th, 2024

Machine learning prototype for SPACE applications

The objective of this webinar is to present the prototype of a machine learning tool to enable the exploration, analysis, and interpretation of the outputs of large-volume cosmological simulations using Representation Learning techniques.

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April 24th, 2024

CI/CD with git

This training will show how to setup a CI pipeline on a local system as well as on an external cluster, starting with a simple example up to a larger full functional pipeline of a real project. It will also present a flexible and robust solution to set up CI that can work in various scenarios.

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April 22nd, 2024

Introduction to git

This training will cover the following topics: Introduction to git version control system; Showcase in real time with a few examples of the git usage.

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