

24 June 2025 & 01-02-03 July 2025 | Digital event

CINECA Open Hackathon

CINECA GPU Hackathons provide exciting opportunities for scientists to accelerate their HPC codes or AI research under the guidance of expert mentors from National Labs, Universities and Industry leaders in a collaborative environment.

The CINECA GPU Hackathon is a virtual multi-day coding event designed to help teams to accelerate their own codes on GPUs using a programming model, or machine learning framework of their choice. Each team consists of two or more developers who are intimately familiar with (some part of) their application, and they work alongside mentors with GPU programming expertise.

Participating in a GPU hackathon provides a unique opportunity for teams to jumpstart acceleration or optimization of their code on GPUs. With the help of experienced mentors, by the end of the event each team should have their code running on GPUs, or at least have a clear roadmap of how to get there.

For this event there will be the opportunity to use Leonardo, one of the most powerful computers in the world.

The CINECA GPU Hackathon is a digital event, and it will be held on 24 June 2025 and on July 01-02-03 2025. The Application Deadline is 29 April 2025.

For further details of the event, including on how to register, please see



4 - 5 February 2025 | Brussels, Belgium

PRACE 2024 HPC Excellence Award goes to Professor Luciano Rezzolla

PRACE is thrilled to announce that the 2024 edition of the PRACE HPC Excellence Award has been awarded to Professor Luciano Rezzolla, Chair of Theoretical Astrophysics at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Prof. Rezzolla is awarded for his and his team’s efforts to construct an entirely novel approach for the theoretical interpretation of the first images of a supermassive black hole taken by the international Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration.

Producing for the first time a theoretical interpretation of images that have never been taken before is a scientific challenge that is an order of magnitude greater than ‘merely’ pushing a well-known technique beyond its previous limit. Prof. Luciano Rezzolla, supported by his group and his colleagues at ETH, rose to this challenge and met it with success through a ‘never-attempted-before’ approach consisting of three separate challenges.

The first was to develop a new infrastructure that would be able to provide – via general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD) simulations – a realistic description of the plasma dynamics near an accreting black hole under a large variety of astrophysical and gravitational conditions. Following on that, the second challenge revolved around developing a new and distinct computational infrastructure that would import the results of the GRMHD simulations and produce a vast library of synthetic images as might be captured by an observer on Earth without knowing how this observer would be oriented, relative to the source. Finally, third and novel computational infrastructure needed to be developed: one that would compare the handful images obtained from the observations with the millions of theoretical images that are physically and mathematically consistent but not necessarily reflecting reality.

Read the full announcement here or download the text.

Prof. Luciano Rezzolla


4 December 2024

Monthly Research colloquia of ASI

The Monthly Research Colloquia of ASI (MoRe-ASI) are a series of informal and short scientific talks held monthly on line by the Italian Space Agency (ASI). Each month one speaker presents latest interests and findings in one of the following thematic areas related to the study of the Universe.

This series provides an opportunity to get updated with the science and progress going on in the international scientific community. Among the speakers, postdocs and young researchers are also given the opportunity to present their own research and get feedback about their ongoing projects. The seminars aim also to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration across teams and within the scientific communities at large.

The next webinar is dedicated to "SPACE - A center of excellence for ExaScale Computing" and it will be delivered by Prof. Andrea Mignone of the Physics Department of University of Turin.

To find out more and connect to the webinar

Monthly Research colloquia of ASI


10 October 2024

SYCL Hackathon @ CINECA

The SYCL Hackathon @ CINECA, organised in collaboration with Intel DevTeam, is a multi-day, in-person event designed to help developer teams to port and/or optimize their codes for GPUs using the SYCL programming model. During the event developers will have the chance to work alongside mentors and SYCL programming experts, which will guide them in porting and optimizing their code.

SYCL is an open-standard, cross-platform heterogeneous programming model that allows developers to write code in standard modern C++, while at the same time enabling them to reuse their code on a huge variety of hardware accelerator targets (CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs).

The hackathon consists of an online introductive webinar introducing SYCL and one API tools, and showing how to successfully migrate CUDA to SYCL and an in-person session that will be held in CINECA from December 2nd to December 4th, 2024.

Both are free and open to all interested code-owners and HPC practitioners.

Registrations for the two parts are separate.
Registration link for the webinar: Click here!
Registration link for the Hackathon: Click here!

Registration to the event is free, but only a limited number of places are available.
For more info on how to apply check the registration section on the event's page



8-12 July 2024 | Catania, Italy

International Conference on Machine Learning for Astrophysics (ML4ASTRO2)

Great success for SPACE CoE at the 2nd edition of the International Conference on Machine Learning for Astrophysics (ML4ASTRO2).

The event focused on exploring the challenges and opportunities presented by the impending Big Data era in astronomy.

With a special attention dedicated to the integration of ML/DL techniques with astrophysics, the event provided a wide overview of cutting-edge AI methodologies tailored for addressing key open problems in this field.

The SPACE session attracted an interested audience keen to hear about the Machine Learning and visualization tools developed during the project activities.

Find out more here:

International Conference on Machine Learning for Astrophysics (ML4ASTRO2)


21 May 2024 and May 28-29-30 2024 | Digital event


CINECA GPU Hackathons provide exciting opportunities for scientists to accelerate their HPC codes or AI research under the guidance of expert mentors from National Labs, Universities and Industry leaders in a collaborative environment.

The CINECA GPU Hackathon is a virtual multi-day coding event designed to help teams to accelerate their own codes on GPUs using a programming model, or machine learning framework of their choice. Each team consists of two or more developers who are intimately familiar with (some part of) their application, and they work alongside mentors with GPU programming expertise.

Participating in a GPU hackathon provides a unique opportunity for teams to jumpstart acceleration or optimization of their code on GPUs. With the help of experienced mentors, by the end of the event each team should have their code running on GPUs, or at least have a clear roadmap of how to get there.

For this event there will be the opportunity to use Leonardo, one of the most powerful computers in the world.

The CINECA GPU Hackathon is a digital event, and it will be held on 21 May 2024 and on May 28-29-30 2024. The Application Deadline is 6 March 2024.

For further details of the event, including on how to register, please see



HiPEAC 2024

Successful participation of SPACE CoE @ HiPEAC 2024

The HiPEAC 2024 conference took take place in Munich, Germany from 17 to 19 January. Associated workshops, tutorials, special sessions, several large poster sessions and an industrial exhibition run in parallel with the conference. One of the organized initiatives was the joint workshop by SPACE and Plasma PEPSC CoEs concerning " Plasma Physics towards the Exascale Era".

This workshop allowed plasma researchers, code developers, research software engineers and HPC experts and the rich plasma code community to discuss key issues and possible solutions for porting selected codes to new emerging architectures.

Thanks to all the speakers and attendees, as well as organizers, for making this workshop a successful event!

If you are interested in having a look at the workshop presentations, click here.



21-25 May 2023 | Hamburg, Germany

SPACE Centre of Excellence was part of ISC High Performance Computing 2023

ISC High Performance 2023, the leading high performance computing (HPC) conference and exhibition in Europe, united 3,105 people who share the goal of advancing HPC alongside AI, specifically machine learning, data analytics, and quantum computing. The key message conveyed during the conference and exhibition was that we must work together to Reinvent HPC.

SPACE Centre of Excellence was part of this huge event thanks to EuroHPC Joint Undertaking and its project partners actively contributing to foster the role and collaborative approach of HPC in Europe.

EuroHPC JU and Alex-Productions & Efficsounds for the music.

Press release

January 1st, 2023

Kick-off of SPACE CoE activities

January 1st, 2023 is the official starting date of the activities of the European Centre of Excellence focusing on Scalable Parallel Astrophysical Codes for Exascale (SPACE CoE).

In Astrophysics and Cosmology High Performance Computing-based numerical simulations are outstanding instruments for scientific discovery. They represent essential tools and theoretical laboratories able to interpret physical processes behind the observed sky for which the exploitation of exascale computing capabilities is essential. However, exascale systems have an architectural complexity with a significant impact on simulation codes.

Therefore, SPACE CoE aims to extensively re-engineer the target codes to engage with new computational solutions and adopt innovative programming paradigms, software solutions, and libraries.

Space CoE