Events archive

PDP 2025 | 33rd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing

March 12-14, 2025 | Turin, Italy

PDP stands as a premier European and international conference that comprehensively addresses all facets of parallel and distributed processing. Encompassing a spectrum from foundational theory to practical implementation, it spans systems of all scales—from small configurations to the largest infrastructures. PDP addresses fundamental computational challenges alongside robust applications and delves into architecture, compiler, language, interface design and deployment, tools, support infrastructures, and performance optimization.

The 2025 PDP Conference will offer a high-quality program featuring research papers, special sessions, and stimulating keynote speakers. Proceedings of the conference will be published by IEEE Conference Publishing Services and indexed in Scopus.

SPACE is supporting the special session dedicated to “Astrophysics and Cosmos Observation: HPC and Big Data Management - New Results and Perspectives for the Community”.

This session will focus on HPC simulations in astrophysics, astroparticle physics, and cosmology, alongside advanced methods for data analysis in these fields. The following key topics will be explored:

  • High and Extreme-performance Computing
  • Big Data Processing and Visualization
  • High-performance Storage, Big Data Management, and Archiving
  • Collaborative Software Development, Management, and Continuous Integration Platforms

Register and join us at DPD 2025

HiPEAC 2025

January 20-22, 2025 | Barcelona, Spain

The HiPEAC conference is the premier European forum for experts in computer architecture, programming models, compilers and operating systems for general-purpose, embedded and cyber-physical systems. Areas of focus and integration include safety-critical dependencies, cybersecurity, energy efficiency and machine learning.

SPACE is involved in the workshop “Tackling software exascale challenges: The Centres of Excellence in High Performance Computing perspective”, scheduled from 10.00 to 17.30, on January 22, 2025 at Palau de Congressos @ Fira de Barcelona.


Centres of Excellence in High Performance Computing are initiatives by Euro HPC Joint Undertaking that aim at tackling the challenges posed by the next generation European exascale supercomputers. CoEs funded by Euro HPC support codes from different domains, including material science, astrophysics and cosmology, earth science, plasma science, and engineering, among others. The goal is to adapt to exascale computing existing lighthouse applications widely adopted by the scientific community.

This workshop will bring together representatives from different CoEs to talk about their experiences in turning legacy algorithms exascale-ready. Key issues and possible solutions for porting CoEs applications to new emerging architectures will be discussed.

This event thus represents a remarkable opportunity to exchange best practices and innovative ideas and foster knowledge sharing among CoEs. We expect that the workshop will spark lively discussions and potential collaborations. Besides technical talks, there will be important moments of networking. Talks from early career scientists and scientists belonging to underrepresented groups will be promoted to favour inclusivity.

This initiative, promoted by E4 Engineering, is actively participated by several CoEs, ChEESE, EoCoE, Esiware, Excellerat, Hidalgo2, Max, POP and SPACE.

Register and join us at HiPEAC 2025

Towards exascale-ready astrophysics

25-27 September, 2024 | Virtual meeting

Exascale computing represents a transformative tool enabling researchers to better model and analyse complex systems, thereby enhancing scientific discovery. With a strong emphasis on numerical simulations in astrophysics, this workshop aims to present the latest developments in exascale technology and its applications within the field of astrophysics research. By bringing together scientists, code developers, and high-performance computing (HPC) experts, this workshop aims to discuss current challenges and future opportunities in utilising exascale computing for astrophysics and cosmology.
The workshop will feature a mix of invited, contributed, and poster presentations, as well as interactive tutorials focusing on astrophysics simulation codes, high-performance computing, machine learning, and data analytics. Attendees will have opportunities for knowledge sharing, discussing innovative ideas, and fostering collaborations through technical talks, hands-on training sessions, and networking events. We strongly encourage female and early career researchers to participate, as their unique perspectives and contributions are invaluable to our discussions.

The call for abstracts is open. You can submit your abstract for reviewing.

The participation is free of charge. Register here.

Towards exascale-ready astrophysics web site


July 8-12, 2024 | Catania

The event is focusing on the application of ML/DL techniques to observational and simulation data in astronomy. The conference is conceived as a periodic event where AI scientists and astronomers can take stock of the state of a rapidly evolving field, and as a stimulating environment fostering discussion and the emergence of new ideas and collaborations, particularly for young researchers.
The scientific program will be organized in several sessions including invited reviews, contributed talks, poster flash talks) and plentiful time for discussion. SPACE CoE is planning to have a dedicated session to present Machine Learning and visualization tools identified for the project activities.



ASHPC24 – Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2024

June 10–13, 2024 | Grundlsee (Austria)

ASHPC24 will continue the tradition of the annual Austrian HPC Meetings, bringing together scientists and technicians with a background and interest in supercomputing. HPC operates at the limits of computationally feasible problems and helps to conquer new territory of science. Learning about current limitations and exchanging ideas on addressing these issues is vital for the further development in scientific and technological competitiveness. ASHPC24 will be an excellent opportunity to present and learn about the latest research results and exchange ideas between the users and providers of HPC resources. A representative of IT4I will deliver a presentation about SPACE CoE achievements so far.

ASHPC24 – Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2024 web site

ISC High Performance Computing 2024

May 12-16 | Hamburg

The ISC 2024 event includes both a conference program and an exhibition. The conference program is divided into Invited, Contributed, and Vendor Programs. The chair of the ISC 2024 Program is Michela Taufer from The University of Tennessee in the USA, and the deputy chair is Torsten Hoefler from ETH Zurich in Switzerland. Their role is crucial in ensuring that the event's theme, "Reinventing HPC into ISC 2024," is woven throughout the conference program.
Whether attending the conference program or visiting the exhibition, the focus is on effectively using HPC in science, engineering, and business. SPACE will be present with a poster, hosted at IT4I booth.

ISC High Performance Computing 2024 web site

RAMSES Users' Meeting

April 24, 2024 – April 26, 2024 (9:00 AM-5:00 PM) | Simons Foundation, located at 160 Fifth Avenue, 3rd Floor, New York, Ny, 10010, and Zoom

RAMSES is an open source code written by Romain Teyssier to model astrophysical systems, featuring self-gravitating, magnetised, compressible, radiative fluid flow. Based on the Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) technique, it has been widely used for cosmological simulations of the Universe, isolated as well as cosmological re-simulations of individual galaxies, simulations of molecular clouds, star formation, supernovae remnants, accretion disks around black holes and planets.
Now held for the ninth time, the RUM aims to bring together RAMSES users of all levels to present scientific results, new technical developments and challenges. Participation is free of charge.

RAMSES Users' Meeting web site

EuroHPC Summit Week 2024

March 18-21 | Antwerp

The EuroHPC Summit 2024 will take place in Belgium during the Belgian EU Presidency under the title " To exascale and beyond Unleashing the Power of European HPC and Quantum Computing".
SPACE poster will be displayed at EuroHPC JU booth.

EuroHPC Summit Week 2024 web site

HiPEAC 2024

January 17-19, 2024 | Munich, Germany

The HiPEAC conference is the premier European forum for experts in computer architecture, programming models, compilers and operating systems for general-purpose, embedded and cyber-physical systems. Areas of focus and integration include safety-critical dependencies, cybersecurity, energy efficiency and machine learning.

SPACE and Plasma-PEPSC CoEs invite the rich plasma code community, HPC experts and scientists to the joint workshop “Plasma Physics towards the ExaScale Era”.
The aim is to discuss the requirement to adapt existing plasma codes to advanced HPC infrastructures and the key issues and possible solutions for porting selected codes to such new emerging architectures.

The workshop is organized from 10.00 to 17.30, on January 19, 2024 at the Science Congress Centre in Munich. Register and join us at HiPEAC 2024


Plasma Physics Towards the ExaScale Era

January 19, 2024 | 10.00 - 17.30
Science Congress Centre - Munich, Germany

Plasma constitutes the fourth state of matter and by far the most mysterious. Its dynamics is inherently nonlinear, multidimensional and multiscale. Hence, theoretical modelling is somewhat limited and great progress in plasma physics has been achieved using computer simulations. Advances in High Performance Computing (HPC) have further boosted our knowledge in this field. Indeed, massively parallel simulations have allowed the modelling of increasingly larger and more complex systems with unprecedented resolution levels. In turns, since plasma physics is key to so many applications and technologies, from astrophysics to space physics, from clean energy production based on fusion to more compact and cheaper particle accelerators, these simulations have been producing a new wealth of knowledge and enabling key applications for science, industry, and society.

The advent of the exascale era has posed key challenges to this positive trend because of the requirement to adapt existing plasma codes to novel architectures. The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking recognised these challenges and this year funded two Centres of Excellence (CoEs) to prepare codes dealing with different aspects of plasma physics for the exascale era and beyond.

This workshop will bring together plasma researchers, code developers, research software engineers and HPC experts from the newly launched CoEs SPACE and Plasma-PEPSC and the rich plasma code community to discuss key issues and possible solutions for porting selected codes to new emerging architectures. This workshop thus represents an amazing opportunity for sharing best practice and innovative ideas and fostering knowledge sharing. We expect that the workshop will spark lively discussions and potential collaborations. Besides technical talks, there will be important moments of networking. Talks from early career scientists and scientists belonging to underrepresented groups will be promoted to favour inclusivity.

workshop AGENDA

10:00-10:05 | Welcome - Elisabetta Boella (E4 Computer Engineering)

10:05-10:20 | Introduction: Accelerating Fusion Energy R&D via Exascale Computing - Franck Jenko (Max Planck Institute)

10:20-10:40 | Keynote: SPACE: Scalable Parallel Astrophysics Codes for Exascale - Andrea Mignone (University of Turin)

10:40-11:00 | Keynote: Plasma-PEPSC: Unlocking Extreme Supercomputing for Fusion, Accelerator and Space Sciences - Stefano Markidis (KTH)

11:00-11:30 | Coffee Break

11:30-11:50 | The PLUTO Code for Astrophysical Plasma at the dawn of the Exascale Era - Andrea Mignone and Marco Rosazza (University of Turin)

11:50-12:10 | Using OpenACC to Harness the Full Potential of Multiple GPUs in ECsim - Nitin Shukla (CINECA)

12:10-12:30 | The future of Numerical Relativity codes and Exascale computing - Khalil Pierre (University of Frankfurt)

12:30-12:50 | High Performance Visualization in the SPACE Center of Excellence - Nicola Tuccari (INAF)

13:00-14:00 | Lunch Break

14:00-14:20 | Representation Learning for Explorative Knowledge Discovery in Astrophysics Simulations and Beyond - Sebastian Trujillo Gomez (HITS)

14:20-14:40 | Exascale-ready Plasma Simulations with PIConGPU, ALPAKA and openPMD - Michael Bussmann (HZDR)

14:40-15:00 | Cosmological large-scale Structure: Theoretical Formulation, N-body Simulations and Common Methods with Plasma Physics - Ezgi Yilmaz (HZDR)

15:00-15:20 | Atomic Physics for Particle in Cell - Brian Marré (HZDR)

15:30-16:00 | Coffee Break

16:00-16:20 | Quantum Computing for Plasma Simulations - Pratibha Raghupati Hedge (KTH)

16:20-16:40 | Towards Highly Efficient Heterogeneous Supercomputers - the DEEP Approach - Hans Christian Hoppe (FZ-Juelich)

Chair: Elisabetta Boella (E4 Computer Engineering)

Co-chair: Maria Vittoria Fontanesi (E4), Daniele Gregori (E4)

Register and join us at HiPEAC 2024!

ITADATA2023 - Italian Conference on Big Data and Data Science

September 11–13, 2023 | Napoli, Italy

The Italian Conference on Big Data and Data Science (ITADATA2023) is the annual event supported by the CINI Big Data National Laboratory that aims to put together Italian researchers and professionals from academia, industry, government, and public administration working in the field of big data and data science, as well as related fields.
The conference will be structured into a main research track on big data and data science and complemented with tutorials/demos on specific solutions and prototypes developed by industries, research centers and universities, and thematic workshops on specific verticals of big data and data science.

SPACE will be presented in the HPC & Application session on September 12th, 2023: see detailed program here

Events archive


June 26-28, 2023 | Davos, Switzerland

The Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference, co-sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS), will be held from June 26 to 28, 2023 at the Congress Center Davos, located in Davos, Switzerland.

Computing Across Scales, Domains, and Communities Advances at the frontiers of scientific computing increasingly require aggregating and synthesizing previously distinct sources of technique and insight to improve the fidelity, effectiveness, efficiency, and usefulness of scientific results. The theme for PASC23 focuses particularly on advances in aggregating, synthesizing, and transitioning across scales, domains, and communities.

SPACE CoE will be represented by E4 Computer Engineering, also silver sponsor of the conference.

Go to the event website: PASC23 CONFERENCE

Austrian – Slovenian HPC Meeting 2023 (ASHPC23)

June 13–15, 2023 | Maribor (IZUM), Slovenia

Bringing together scientists and technicians with a background and interest in supercomputing. ASHPC23 focuses on various aspects of high-performance computing and provides a great opportunity to discuss HPC-related topics and present your latest results. It will also provide an overview and update on the rapidly improving HPC landscape available to European researchers.

SPACE CoE will be present at the poster session and a talk will be delivered by a representative of IT4I.

ASHPC23 is organized by EuroCC Slovenia and EuroCC Austria – National Competence Centre for Supercomputing, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, Austria, in cooperation with the Institute of Information Science, Slovenia, the Slovenian consortium for high-performance computing (SLING), the Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC), Austria and the Research Area Scientific Computing in Innsbruck, Austria.

Go to the event website: Austrian – Slovenian HPC Meeting 2023 (ASHPC23)

Teratec Forum

May 31 – June 1, 2023 | Paris, France

The Teratec Forum is a major event in Europe that brings together the best international experts in digital simulation, high-performance computing (HPC), massive data processing, artificial intelligence and quantum computing.

SPACE CoE will be hosted at the Europa Village, inner space dedicated to the European HPC ecosystem, focusing on the last developments of the European supercomputing infrastructure and the success of technological innovation, in particular within the framework of the EuroHPC program.

Go to the event website: Teratec Forum

ISC High Performance Computing

May 21-25, 2023 | Hamburg, Germany

ISC High Performance 2023, the leading high performance computing (HPC) conference and exhibition in Europe, connects public and industry users and technology developers in Hamburg, Germany, from May 21–25.

Go to the event website: ISC High Performance Computing

RAMSES user meeting

April 19-21, 2023 | Oxford, UK

This year's RAMSES user meeting will be held in Oxford, United Kingdom over three days from April 19-21, 2023. The meeting is being organized and supported by the Subdepartment of Astrophysics and the Beecroft Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology at the University of Oxford.

RAMSES is one of the eight codes that SPACE CoE has selected for its re-design activities.

Go to the event website: RAMSES User Meeting 2023

2023 Swiss Conference and HPCXXL User Group

April 03–06, 2023 | Lugano, Switzerland

The Swiss National Supercomputing Centre in collaboration with the HPC-AI Advisory Council and HPCXXL Board, will host the 14th annual Swiss Conference and bi-annual HPCXXL Winter Meeting in Lugano, Switzerland, from 3 - 6 April, 2023.

The conference focus will be on the importance of HPC for data-driven science, perfectly matching the mission of SPACE CoE, which will be present with a project poster.

Go to the event website: 2023 Swiss Conference

EuroHPC Summit 2023

March 20-23, 2023 | Gothenburg, Sweden

The EuroHPC Summit is an annual event gathering key European HPC stakeholders from providers, to scientific and industrial users, to policy makers. The Summit is an important moment to showcase the latest achievements and opportunities in the European supercomputing ecosystem, but also to discuss and reflect on the current and future challenges in HPC.
The event provides also a great opportunity for attendees to network and connect with the European HPC community.

The EuroHPC Summit 2023 will take place on 20-23 March 2023 in Gothenburg in Sweden.
The theme of this year's conference is European Supercomputing Excellence in the Exascale Era.

SPACE CoE will be at EuroHPC Summit Week to participate in the poster session and to join the open workshop about Centres of Excellence & Competence Centres.

Reach out our delegates on Monday 20th, at the Poster Session, or at the workshop on Thursday 23rd, March.
Have a look at the full programme here: